Integrated Acupuncture
-Partner of the American Consulate in Recife-
Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine - California - USA
Californian Council of Therapeutic Massage
Brazilian Council of Acupuncture
Federal Council of Physiotherapy

Rua General Joaquim Inácio, 830, Room 111, Ilha do Leite, Recife, Pe. - CEP 50070-270 Phone: (81) 9.9878-9108

Acupuncture Brazil
Some of the meetings, lectures and meetings of Dr. Carlos Frederico Lima for Brazil.

Meeting with my friend Dennis Linhares, former president of the Brazilian Council of Acupuncture

Interview with Samir Abou Hana on TV, talking about Oriental Medicine and its benefits.

Lecturer on Oriental Medicine in the United States, at the first Acupuncture Congress in Pernambuco.

Teaching Acupuncture classes at the Federal University of Pernambuco.

Speaking at the Nursing Congress at the Federal University of Pernambuco about the benefits of Oriental Medicine.

Chatting with Pedro Paulo on the Net TV Journal about Acupuncture and its benefits.

I International Congress of Manual Therapies