Integrated Acupuncture
-Partner of the American Consulate in Recife-
Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine - California - USA
Californian Council of Therapeutic Massage
Brazilian Council of Acupuncture
Federal Council of Physiotherapy

Rua General Joaquim Inácio, 830, Room 111, Ilha do Leite, Recife, Pe. - CEP 50070-270 Phone: (81) 9.9878-9108

Integrated Acupuncture has a common purpose: to naturally treat the patient in pursuit of full health.
Dr. Carlos Frederico Lima studied at the undergraduate level and master's the medicine Integrated by the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, California, United States (considered one of the main educational institutions in the country), in addition to having studied in several seminars of very high reference, such as Mei Zen Cosmetics, Pacific Symposium, among others.
Before being introduced to the vast world of Integrated Medicine, he worked for 7 years as a Physical Education and Spanish teacher at the Saint Vincent de Paul School (one of the traditional Christian schools of the city of San Diego, California).

Treatment with integrated medicine is centered on six lines of work:
The Art of Acupuncture;
The Art of Herbal Medicine Chinese and Japanese;
The Arts of Therapeutic Massages with Medicinal Oils;
The Art of Millennial Nutrition;
The Art of Physical Activity and Stretching;
The Therapeutic Orientation (Counseling).
Dr. Carlos Frederico Lima was a student of several of the leading educators in Eastern and Western medicine today. Teachers and Teachers such as Bob Damone, Greg Sperber, Giovanni Maciocia, Marly Wexler, Tan Tan, Alex Tiberi, Zev Rosenberg, KC Conover, Peter Deadman, Prana Gogia, William Helm, Javaherian M., Ted Kardash, Steven Levitt, Elizabeth Talcott , Yuan Wang, Mei Fang Wei, among many other prominent names in integrated medicine, form the solid foundation of Dr. Carlos Frederico Lima's teaching.
Currently, Dr. Carlos Frederico Lima holds the position of International Relations Advisor at the Regional Council of Acupuncture of the State of Rio de Janeiro and the Brazilian Council of Acupuncture.
In the United States, he completed the Sound Engineering Course, graduating Suma Cum Laude (best grades) from the course in his class.
In Brazil, he completed the undergraduate course in Physiotherapy at the Catholic University of Pernambuco (entered in 1st place in the entrance exam).
Professor of Integrative Practices at UFPE:
Dr. Carlos Frederico Lima has developed a teaching partnership with the Department of Integrative Practices at the Federal University of Pernambuco, teaching and training health care students in acupuncture.
Currently, he develops the Integrated Acupuncture Christian Academy (ACRA), as a platform for advanced courses for health professionals, especially developed for acupuncturists and the like.