Integrated Acupuncture
-Partner of the American Consulate in Recife-
Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine - California - USA
Californian Council of Therapeutic Massage
Brazilian Council of Acupuncture
Federal Council of Physiotherapy

Rua General Joaquim Inácio, 830, Room 111, Ilha do Leite, Recife, Pe. - CEP 50070-270 Phone: (81) 9.9878-9108

PAIN treatment
We are specialists in pain management. We use millenary methods, 100% natural, in treatment sessions that last an average of 1hr and 30 min. our goal is to do everything in our power to reverse the worst pain conditions that our patients can bring us, as quickly as possible! We managed to revert the situation of our patients for the most part, over 90% of the cases we attend.

some of our specialties are:
Neurological Disorders - Nutritional Disorders - Migraines - Headaches - PMS - Syndrome of Sciatic nerve -
Pain and Disorders in the Legs - Herniated Disc - pains of Neck Arm Pain and Dysfunctions - Spine Pain - Back Pain
Dysfunctions mental - Anxiety, Fear, Panic Syndrome Burnout Syndrome- Stress - Depression - Infertility
It's important to remember that the patient's lifestyle needs to be examined in depth as this has a direct impact on the patient's condition. The level of stress, work, married life, lack of physical exercise and lack of good nutrition directly influence the patient's health.
Schedule an appointment with us, as we have natural medicinal methods able to reverse their conditions unbearable, whether they are muscular, neurological or mental.